
FLL Help

While our FTC season was going on, we also helped another FLL team. By the name of Quad Squad, members of our team occasionally helped them out. They were using Python Programming instead of the block based code, meaning they were inexperienced in that field. We decided to help them learn about python programming for some parts of their year.

Zoom Presentation

In the middle of April, the entire team got together and planned a meeting with the community. Due to Covid-19, we were not able to do in person meetings with the community. Instead, we planned a Zoom meeting and invited many people to come to our meeting. We talked about FTC, the engineering process, and explained how thr robot works. We also exposed many people to the First Program, and we had lots of fun

Police Robot

We were contacted by a local police force early into the season. They asked us if we could fix a robot they had. After we went to the station, they explained that it was a robot that they had gotten from the military as a hand me down. They gave it to us to try and fix it. We made some progress, like figuring out how to turn on the robot, but we ran into a roadblock. The robot and the computer couldn't link up, and we looked everywhere on the internet for a fix for the problem. Unfortunately, the only information that we could find was that it would have to be reprogammed by a employee of the company that made it, and the line was discontinued long ago. We returned it to the police, but we were still able to make a lot of progress in fixing the robot.

Online Presence

Because of Covid-19, there were not many opportunities to provide outreach to the community in person. However, we used social media to share our robot's progress with the city we live in, Bothell. By using Facebook and Instagram, we are able to come in contact with many people, and expose them to the FIRST program.

FTC logo
Omega Squad participates in the First Tech Challenge, otherwise known as FTC.
Learn More

Email: bothell.robotics@gmail.com

Copyright © 2021 Omega Squad